Our own Don Chartrand conducts resilience training with many organizations, including one for law enforcement that was featured in Mindfulness Magazine. The Emeryville Police department received in-person training in the same techniques covered in SRTS. Read more on Mindful.org. Contact Us about training options for your own group.
Bluetooth® comes to SRTS!
Staying on Top of Your Game is a Pain
Conquering challenges involves pain, and staying on top in sports, school, business, caregiving, or uniformed service invites pain as a regular companion. Like it or not, victory is often decided by the winner’s ability to take the most pain in training, because winners make their competitors suffer the most.
Strain vs. Flow: Elite Performers Reveal Their Secrets
Highly trained athletes and military personnel face fierce stressors in competition and military missions, but everyone confronts intense stress at some point. Is it possible to train yourself to respond to stressful situations like an elite performer? Why are some people more resilient than others during episodes of high stress?
The Body Doesn't Lie -- Sensors Uncover What's Really Happening
Stress Resilience Training for Athletic Performance
Justin Commins is an NCAA national champion and school record holding soccer goal keeper, and a coach of amateur soccer teams in the Los Angeles area. Following a losing season (1 win, 15 losses), Justin and the other coaches adapted lessons from the SRTS app to change the mindset of each player and of the team. Justin credits the following season’s turnaround (10 wins, 5 ties and 5 losses). He then wrote up how he adapted the content from each section of SRTS to create lessons that applied directly to individual athletes and to the team as a whole.
His paper, “SRTS for Sports Preparation,” can be viewed and downloaded here.